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Harvesting 101: The Best Time to Harvest Indoor Cannabis Seeds

You probably have already planted your best indoor Cannabis Seeds. Now, the next time you need to fully understand is when you should harvest them. You must harvest your strains at the right time. Doping so will avoid any stress on your plants and seeds. It will give your plant enough time to yield right. Through this article, we will share with you some amazing details and info that will help you harvest your strains right. Read on and you will certainly learn a lot. 

Best Indoor Cannabis Seeds

Yield time is the most satisfying and thrilling feature of refining cannabis for many cultivators. After months of seeing your plants gradually transform from sprouts into completely flowering plants, it’s virtually time to grasp for the trimmers and progress to dry and treatment your abundance. Though, it’s significant to remain persistent and not become too hurried. There are many signs you need to be conscious of and guard for on equally the macro and micro stages to make certain your plants are accurately prepared.

Reaping cannabis flowers at just the exact time guarantees the best class. Doing so too early can decrease equally harvests and strength, and doing so too late can outcome in THC degradation and a far more sedative and lethargic high.

There is a great discussion surrounding precisely when to crop buds. There are over-all rules for each cannabis category in respects to the best time. Indica strains are typically completed after 8 weeks of a peak, and sativa strains subsequently a 10-week passé of blossoming. Autoflowering strains frequently take about 10 weeks after the sprout stage. Though these rules can be accommodating in approximating when yield time may happen, more care to feature is essential to make certain you are spot on with your judgment.

Slight information of cannabis structure is mandatory to make an exact valuation of maturity and of when your cannabis plants are prepared to be collected. Below we clarify how some fragments of the cannabis shrub that show signs that drying and curing are just about the bend.


It doesn’t take much functional information to classify this alteration. Fan leaves are the big and extensive leaves that help as energy-forming solar boards for your shrub. Throughout the vegetative stage, yellow leaves aren’t a decent thing and frequently point in the direction of alimentary shortages. Though, if your plant is laden with floras, fan leaves will start to turn buttery and expire as much of the resources are absorbed towards the blossoms. This is an informal way to spot and a reliable sign that crop time is near.


This is where a little cannabis structure can go a long means. Becoming familiar with cannabis pistils will aid you to classify when it’s time to start cutting florae. Pistils are hair-like constructions upon cannabis florae that arise from the calyx and can effortlessly be recognized with the naked eye. Pistils comprise the generative structures of the female cannabis shrub and will grow a seed if fertilized by a male. These constructions are white initial on in the peak stage and turn to darker colors of red, chocolate, and carroty as the florae move closer to yield.

If furthermost of the pistils are still perceptibly white, then it’s moreover early to crop and your plants must be left to established for a little longer. Cultivators should delay until as a minimum 50% of pistils have turned shadier to guarantee near greatest THC stages. Start trimming flowers when 60–70% of pistils have turned shady for the uppermost stages of THC. Those cultivators watching for a more pitting and bodily high should delay until 70–90% of pistils have altered colors, as more THC will have rehabilitated to CBN at this phase.


Trichomes are significant functional parts that bid signs for crop time, though on a much more micro stage. Trichomes are miniature mushroom-shaped glands that inhabit the plants and sugar leaves and crop the valued resin that comprises cannabinoids and terpenes. Trichomes are too minor to be correctly measured with the naked eye, consequently, enlarging tools are mandatory to get a quick look.

A jeweler’s loupe is a small hand-held telescopic device that can be used to get up adjacent and private with trichomes. Moreover, a digital hand-held microscope will deliver a stronger image of the condition of your trichomes, nonetheless at more of a price.

Under intensification, trichomes will look vibrant and have crystal-like look throughout the initial phase of blossoming, suggesting low strength and underripe plants.

Further down the peak timeline, trichomes will start to show a more overcast appearance and cloudy color. When these resin plants are only partially cloudy, plants are still not completely molded and will have a low odor outline. There’s still some period to wait.

Ultimately trichomes will develop mostly gray. At this phase, they hold the utmost stages of THC and will crop the most penetrating psychoactive effects. This is the argument when most cultivators will want to crop their yield.

If left extended, trichomes will turn from a gray color into an orangey one. Gathering at this phase will crop a more tranquilizer and bodily high.

It’s significant to note that each grower has a diverse view on when to crop their cannabis plants. Some growers like to crop earlier though others favor later, which is why a thoughtful of the knowledge of cannabis botany is so useful.

Growing cannabis is a repeated learning procedure. Contingent on the crop, a perfect crop may be primary or advanced in the trichome growth. Since this erraticism, rising the same heredities and working with similar strains for more than one crop is fortified.


It is important that you fully understand the perfect time when to harvest your plants. Make sure as well that you only plant the Best Indoor Cannabis Seeds to fully enjoy its crop time.

LEC Grow Lights for Cannabis

In the industry of cannabis, you would notice that new innovations in technology are delivered in the market each day. More and more methods and devices are introduced to the market, all aiming to provide potential efficiency. An illustration, when discussing about the cheaper method of growing cannabis indoor, LEC grow lights are the perfect answer. You will soon understand the promising benefits of LEC lights after learning its basics.

Enhanced technology can be a guarded purchase, particularly if the outputs are yet to be seen. This is particularly crucial because you do not want to spend for something that will not justify your expenses. You do not want to pay for something that will not work well in return. Delightedly, as the consumption of LEC lights have become very popular, information pertaining to their capability and competence to enhance the harvest are captivating a large number of gardeners. These growers were exposed to the different types of grow lights but see the potential of LEC lights over the rest.

It appears like for every day that has passed, an innovative technology or an alternative bit of device comes out to participate in the cannabis scenery assuring excelling yields or lowered expenses. Similar to all things that we encounter in life, these kinds of declarations are easily said, but hardly issued with a support. If, nonetheless, economical growing surroundings seem like an interesting subject to tackle, the LEC grow lights can be the consequent step offering solutions for future-fit lighting.

With an expanded lumen per wattage, the commitment to upgrade the yield together with a more unrefined light spectrum, the data abaft LEC – or more commonly recognized as the CMH lights, absolutely appear to smash. But is it worth contemplating though? What are the restrictions does the occurring lighting stores have which turns an enhancement beneficial?

The Hard Tries of Present Lighting Solutions

Nowadays, if you choose to grow from indoor, adequate lighting is necessary to energize the method of photosynthesis. Basic choices can be broken down into four main classifications, namely: metal halide (MH), fluorescent grow light (CFL), high-pressure sodium (HPS), and the light-emitting diode (LED).

Primarily, the CFLs are the most commonly used by neophyte growers only concentrating on a limited number of plants. These lights are hugely accessible in hardware stores, generate a medium quantity of light. They are methodically competent of taking the seedlings all throughout the stage of harvest provided that the remaining growing environment is in excellent shape. Granted that they are a basic household device, the age of these lights shall be intermittent, but generally they give a conservative accomplishment. CFLs are commonly not suggested for the phase of flowering if you can manage better, because they are commonly too sluggish to generate a plentiful yield.

The MH and HPS lights, on the other hand, create the pillar of structures for recreation gardeners thoroughgoing to large-scale commercial works. The aforesaid is recommended during the phase of vegetation as the latter is suggesting during flowering phase. Regardless of their various usage, the two possess something in standard – amazingly high operating expenses. And as the two lights are capable for improved yields, while the industry approaches to a decisive and eco-friendly access, the MH and HPS lights seem very outmoded.

Putting in mind the new kid in the block, the LED lights provide the entire light spectrums accessible from the bulbs mentioned above, however not having the combined operating expenses or heat produced. These lights are rapidly turning the top pick while growers discern to conform their distinction. That was the scenario then, until the LECs or the light-emitting ceramics landed on the scenery.

Learning About LECs

The bottom line of the issue – what are these LEC lights? What makes them appealing to many growers? Why is it that LECs are once in a while named as ceramic dischare metal halide (CDM) or ceramic metal halide (CMH)? Delightedly, these terms correspond to the same meaning, and as the knowledge of automation enhances, these terms have been compatible. I know that these terms may be confusing to you but this article will try to enlighten you:

  • LEC and CMH – they all denote to a grow light names Ceramic Metal Halide
  • Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) – this is a kind of metal halide lighting which uses a kind of ceramic arc tube such as HPS
  • Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide (CDM) – another term for similar technology
  • Light Emitting Ceramic (LEC) – it is a grow light model which uses the technology of ceramic metal halide. Nonetheless, the abbreviation “LEC” is beginning to become compatible with the abbreviation “CMH” because they both denote to similar technology.

LEC lights use a kind of ceramic arc tube, instead of the quartz variation seen in common MH lightings. The output brings a more unrefined color, generating further lumens for every watt and enduring a longer period. LEC fixtures have various models. The most familiar model is the 315W characterized with a 4200K color bulb.

LEC 315 model, being the most frequent dimension of LEC lights, has an average yield of five to ten ounces, although some planters even get a much higher yield. These models are kept around eighteen inches from above the plants.

This design of grow lights is turning progressively famous for indoor cannabis growers.

What Should be the Distance Between Your Lights and Your Plants?

When discussing about the distance, you must know that the LEC lights generate an intensely strong lighting and commonly require to be placed additionally far from the plants than HPS or MH lightings of the same wattage.

Ideal Illustration:

LEC Wattage Ideal Distance from the Plant
315W 18”-20” or more
630W 24”-26” or more

Note that it will be ideal to place your LEC lights an extra of six to twelve inches away from the immature plants until they reach few weeks of age, or if you notice indication of mild stress.

Having a very tough rivalry among LEDs, an apparently comprehensive solution for lighting, what advantages will LEC lights give?

How LEC Works?

If you have participated in cannabis growing, you are familiar with light wavelengths and determine what kind of wavelength will be ideal for a specific growth phase. Violet, ultra-violet, blue wavelengths are shorter. They are also heavier with energy. On the other hand, red, far-red, orange wavelengths are longer, but they are less heavy with energy.

Given the fact that shorter wavelengths are more effective, they are mostly ideal for vegetative growth. Longer wavelengths, on the other hand, imitates late summer as well as fall, perfect for the flowering phases.

LEC lights possess all types of wavelengths. This means that you do not have to replace any bulbs until they blast, which is approximately every two years. Yes, they will not endure longer as the LED lights, but will certainly well encourage excellent flourishing.  

Moreover, LEC built-in ballasts make use of a more effective square wave frequency which leads to a more polished, more effective fire rate.

Its light can be fuller and brighter, but it still eludes minimal heat than the typical HPS grow lights.

The Benefits of LECs

For neophytes, the color or shade of light generated by this newest improvement is considerably more common. The result is, it turns much more doable to find the ordinary color of the cannabis during the whole of its lifecycle. It may not appear significant; however, it can be essential for analyzing the progress of the growth of your plant and if there are certain concerns which can be determined rapidly by the shifts in color.

Now, understanding a situation, the HPS lights emanate an extreme yellow light, while the LEDs commonly emanate purple hue.

That specific light spectrum emanated by the LEC fixtures also exhibit another point of understanding.  The LEC lights emanate UV-B rays, which based to the informal accounts, develop the rendering of trichome of cannabis while in the phase of flowering. The output is a discerned boost in harvests, nonetheless, the decision on how great it develops harvest is still hugely figured out.

Another advantages of LEC lights are their plug-and-play nature and longevity. They have innate ballasts; therefore, the setup is very doable. Certain manufacturers assert that LEC lights can stay up to two years, which is considerable lengthy than any alternatives, except for LED.

  • LEC lights stay longer and are able to retain their brightness longer as compared to the MH lights. Bulbs do not require often replacement.
  • The Ceramic metal halide releases UV-B rays, similar to the sun. This may add to heightened trichome advancement and the odor in buds grown below LECs. Nonetheless, these UV-B rays are interrupted by glass, hence there should be a transparent trail between the light and the plant to ensure efficiency. Moreover, you must wear protective glasses which obstruct the UV light to prevent your eyes from getting damaged.
  • LEC lights generate an unrefined light spectrum which allow you to view the entire color of your plants. Different from the LED and HPS grow lights, LEC basically will not falsify the plants’ color. You do not only get the access of viewing the vibrancy of your garden, but it will also make it easier for you to determine problems with natural colored lights. LEC light is also much less skeptical if it unintentionally spills out the window.
  • LEC light not make radio interference.
  • Majority of LEC models have built-in ballast. This is a characteristic that enables them to become plug-and-play.

The Deprivation of LECs

Of course there are perfect lighting solutions! Even the LEC lights have their disadvantages. The emanated UV-B rays are dangerous to the human beings. Tolerable safety device is required to lessen any hazards to the eyes or skin. Nowadays, the high structure expenditure of LEC can be repulsive. Since the technology is fresh, their price is significantly higher compared to the conventional bulbs such as CFLs, though this characteristic is fairly of a sharp sword. The primary amount is higher, however, the indelible running expenses lie in between the HPS and LED lightings.

Further, LECs emanate immense heat. It is unbefitting the HPS or the MH lights, however sufficient to guarantee ample airflow as well as cooling alternatives further conceivably contributing to the founding cost if you are not yet owning a ventilation device. Another thing to consider is the placement of LEC lights versus HPS light. The LEC lights do not completely counterpart similar intensity of light of HPS assortments, hence you will have to place the fixture nearer to your cannabis’ canopy. Finally, glass blocks UV-B rays emanated by the LEC bulbs. Planters would have to think again any interferences in between the lightings and the plants.

  • Unluckily, LEC lights do not significantly get similar yields as the HPS light of the same wattage when applied as the major lighting during the flowering phase. Nonetheless, they still achieve considerably higher yields compared to metal halide of the same wattage would attain during the phase of flowering.
  • LEC costs higher. The initial cost of its smallest size is around three hundred eighty dollars. Nonetheless, the bulbs can still stay longer compared to a common HPS light.


The reality is that the LEC lights are significantly new and possibly not completely tested by the growers. You can utilize all available information which will give you promising details.

The advantages of LEC lights seem to dominate majority of its disadvantages. Enhanced yields with lesser watts mixed with UV-B rays and lessened operating expenses, the genuine opponent of LEC is actually only LED. Although LED lights give the same advantages without the augmentation of extra heat, currently, they cannot equal the enhanced yields which the LEC lights offer. If you intend to plant cannabis in the coming days, you will potentially get a favorable return if you consider investing with LEC fixtures. If your structure for HPS or MH perishes, today can be the right time to make a new investment – something that is newer and more competent.

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