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Top 10 Big Yielders
Top 10 High CBD
Top 10 Best Autoflowers
Top 10 Best Feminized
Track Your Grow Cycle From Germination To Harvest
Step 1 – Place your seeds in bottled spring water at a comfortable temperature.
Step 2 – Set two paper towels that are thick on a ceramic dinner plate.
Step 3 – Fold over the paper towels on top of the seeds like a burrito after spilling the water and seeds on them.
Step 4 – Place the plate in a room that is warm, dark and airy with a temperature between 75 and 80 Fahrenheit. Ensure sufficient moisture for the seeds by moistening the paper towel regularly. The seeds should not be immersed in water.
Transfer them to normal soil when the seeds have a 1/2 to 3/4 inch long taproot and have split open.
*Each strain may take between 2 and 7 days to split open.
For optimal storage for up to two years, the seeds should be in a glass jar with a tight lid and at 41 to 45 Fahrenheit. Keep them in a dark and cool place, such as a garage or basement.
When your seedling’s dominant root expands to 1/2 inch (2 cm), you can change to a new medium like soil. Steer clear of any nutrients or fertilizers for the first three weeks since the seedlings are very soft and defenseless then.
Make a small hole in the soil with your finger and set the seedling in it with the taproot directed down. Topple it with soil and furnish it with a light source, either natural or artificial. Hydrate the soil lightly and let the seedling flourish by itself.
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